Expert Assistance for Pre-Funded New Ventures
AlphaDynamics help new ventures efficiently execute their highest value activities.
Fixing the #1 New-Venture Challenge...
"First-time founders often delude themselves with doing things that 'feel' like doing a startup but aren't actually what matters: [Building the product] and getting users".
- Alexis Ohanian, Reddit Founder, when asked: what was the most common Founder mistake?
Best-of-Class Services for Essential New Venture Activities
- Customer interviews, surveys
- Market/ competition research
- A/B testing, adwords testing
- Milestone assistance
- ShortestPath™ Analysis
Build Product
- Prototype / MVP
- Programming, IT
- Product Design
- ME, EE Engineering
- Intellectual Property
Get Customers
- Web Strategics/Deployment
- Branding / Media
- Social Media Marketing
- Crowdfunding Expertise
- Sales / CRM
Keeping Ventures Lean & Agile
AlphaDynamics Has Startup-Experienced Contractors
Startup Specific Activities
- Short-term startup needs
- Startup-setup tasks
- Checkoff Startup-fundamentals
- Performing tasks unique to startups
Expert Interim PMPs
- Startup Experienced
- PMP Experienced & Trained
- Meet CoFounder / C-level executive needs
- Technical & Sales-savvy PMs
Schedule Compression Personnel
- Schedule-crash things like meeting a sales goal
- Fast-track critical development
- Utilize technical capabilities to help even at the product level
AlphaDynamics Market Segments
Select the following for a sample of some of our investment-worthy partners and their projects.


